Located within walking distance to most of the major transit, entertainment, governmental, cultural and financial entities in downtown LA, this residential project will contain 283 units and 371,600 gsf. The 32 story, high density, mixed-use, pedestrian oriented project is on a 56,600 sf site at the intersection of Olive Street andNinth Avenue.
The all-glass tower has a random “mosaic blue skin” with glass railed balconies, punched glass surfaces and projecting glass elements. The tower’s podium is angled clear glass containing retail shops and residential lobby at street level, and a two story, solid-element for parking which appears “suspended in space”” by two robust, metal clad round columns. The tower’s top is defined by two ellipsoidal columns supporting a “monumental eave” which defines the rooftop deck and offers an iconic element to the LA skyline.